Aga Khan Museum: "An Ocean in a Drop: Muslims in Toronto"

Project Background
Aga Khan Museum presented “An Ocean in a Drop: Muslims in Toronto” by Mahtab Hussain, as part of the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival, at the Aga Khan Park from May 2022 to April 2023.
Aga Khan Museum
Exhibition Design
Print Design
An exhibition design that tells the powerful stories of Muslims in Toronto.

To challenge the stereotypes and oversimplification of Muslims in Toronto and the mainstream media, the exhibition invites readers to engage with the stories of six Muslim youths. Each youth recounts their stories of everyday life, sharing both positive and negative experiences, to highlight the complexities of living as a Muslim in Toronto.
On display at the Aga Khan Park are portraits of six Muslim youths from in and around Toronto, accompanied by personal quotes from their conversations with the artist. Margaux personalized each quote with handwritten texts to emphasize their unique and complex experiences (she digitally traced photos of the handwritten texts to print them for panels as large as 8 feet wide).

“It’s odd — it would be less ‘embarrassing’ to ask for a smoke break than a prayer break.”
- Ruisi,
North York
Image Credit:
An Ocean in a Drop: Muslims in Toronto by Mahtab Hussain.
Aga Khan Museum, 2022.
Photo by Todd Fraser.
Copyright © Aga Khan Museum 2022.
All rights reserved.