Hire a local talent with a diverse and female perspective

Margaux is committed to a more inclusive, accessible and sustainable Toronto. Read her story below.

Headshot of Margaux Parker. Photography by Samantha Jackson.

Headshot by Samantha Jackson.

Margaux Parker is a freelance senior graphic designer in marketing and communications, proudly serving Toronto for 8+ years. Margaux engages communities with digital and print media design, while striving towards a more inclusive, accessible and sustainable Toronto. She supports teams and agencies across the arts & culture, finance and government sectors.

From a small town in the Philippines to the big city of Toronto, Margaux brings her diverse and female perspective into her works. She championed diverse representations in Muslims in Toronto with the Aga Khan Museum, Towards Equity and Truth and Reconciliation with OACAS and Halloween Spectacular, a Halloween drag show, with Square One, Oxford Properties. At OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension funds, she made the plan’s performance digitally accessible to half-a-million Ontario members. She advanced its digital-first strategy by directing the web design of its first and second digital annual report. She is proud to work with Canada’s top Big Five Banks who are committed to integrating sustainable practices into their Environmental, Sustainable and Governance (ESG) strategy.

Together with large organizations and small businesses, Margaux supported Toronto’s arts and economy through the pandemic. At the onset, she served the City of Toronto around-the-clock to communicate emergency measures on COVID-19 for local businesses, public spaces and residential buildings. She brought communities back together for live, in-person events with the Aga Khan Museum, Square One and the Beaches Jazz Festival.

Margaux studied Art and Art History and earned an Honours Bachelors of Arts with Distinction at the University of Toronto, jointly with Sheridan College. She continued her education at OCAD University and earned a certificate in UX Design and Development. She has presented as a speaker for The University of Toronto Mississauga and as a juror at the Ontario Association of Art Galleries (Galeries Ontario / Ontario Galleries).

When Margaux is not designing, she is exploring the city, finding her next treasure in vintage stores and enjoying a book in coffee shops. She is also training competitively for the sport of Weightlifting!


  • University of Toronto Mississauga jointly with Sheridan College, Art and Art History, Honours Bachelor of Arts with Distinction,

  • OCAD University, User Experience (UX) Design and Development, Certificate


  • Speaker, Department of Visual Studies Alumni, University of Toronto Mississauga

  • Juror, GOG Awards, Ontario Association of Art Galleries (Galeries Ontario / Ontario Galleries)

Find Margaux on:

People in front of the Toronto signage at Nathans Philip Square.

Reach communities with digital and print ads

Design your next marketing and communications campaign with a professional graphic designer of 8+ years.


  • paintbrush and palette

    Arts & Culture

    museum, galleries, festivals

    Aga Khan Museum

    Beaches International Jazz Festival

    Diefenbunker: Canada's Cold War Museum

  • upward bar chart


    banking, investment, wealth management




  • open book


    academia, children’s learning

    University of Toronto

    Sago Mini, Spin Master

    CAGIS (Canadian Association for Girls In Science)

  • government building


    public, not-for-profit

    City of Toronto

    OACAS (Ontario Association of Children’s Aids Societies)

  • shopping bags


    food, luxury

    Lantic Inc

    Square One, Oxford Properties

An Ocean in a Drop: Muslims in Toronto by Mahtab Hussain. Aga Khan Museum, 2022. Photo by Todd Fraser. Designed by Margaux Parker as part of the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival at the Aga Khan Park.

Design for an inclusive, accessible and sustainable Toronto

Champion representation, improve accessibility and commit to sustainability.

An Ocean in a Drop: Muslims in Toronto by Mahtab Hussain.
Aga Khan Museum, 2022.
Photo by Todd Fraser.

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